Irish Diaspora


When the Irish emigrated from their native land, they brought with them their culture, their language, their folkways, and their genetic legacy. Thousands of families have emigrated out of Northern Ireland to the United States, Canada, and Australia over the last 300 years. With the discovery of the AIP gene and the specific variant linked to Northern Ireland, it is certain that some of those immigrant families brought the AIP gene mutation with them. As of 2022, only one family has been identified with the Irish mutation. Probability indicates there must be more families living outside of Northern Ireland. Our goal is to find those families and provide them with the information to prevent any family members from suffering the devastating effects of gigantism.



from Wikipedia

The Irish diaspora (Irish: DiaspĆ³ra na nGael) refers to ethnic Irish people and their descendants who live outside the island of Ireland.

The phenomenon of migration from Ireland is recorded since the Early Middle Ages, but it can be quantified only from around 1700. Since then, between 9 and 10 million people born in Ireland have emigrated. That is more than thepopulation of Ireland itself, which at its historical peak was 8.5 million on the eve of the Great Famine. The poorest of them went to Great Britian, especially Liverpool. Those who could afford it went further, including almost 5 million to the United States.

After 1765, emigration from Ireland became a short, relentless and efficiently-managed national enterprise. In 1890, 40% of Irish-born people were living abroad. By the 21st century, an estimated 80 million people worldwide claimed some Irish descent, which includes more than 36 million Americans claiming Irish as their primary ethnicity.